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We work hard to provide high quality care for each pet we groom.

Be on time- Pet's who are 15 minutes late for their grooming will have to reschedule. This could mean a FOUR week wait. Missed appointment fee will apply. We require a 48 hour notice to cancel/reschedule groomings.


Missed appointments- Pet Owners who miss their grooming appointments will incur a fee equal to the amount of the pet's grooming fee to be paid prior to rescheduling. Missing the first appointment will result in no rescheduling. Thank you for understanding that lost revenue negatively impacts The Paw Print's ability to continue to provide high quality services to all.


Returned checks- Checks returned unpaid will incur an additional $35 fee(as issued by First National Bank) to be paid prior to scheduling further groomings.


Fleas- Do Not bring fleas to the groomer. Consult your veterinarian for the best solution for your pet. Pets with fleas will be refused.


Exercise your dog- Prior to entering The Paw Print plan 3-5 minutes to allow your dog to eliminate outside. Even a short ride in the car can stimulate a dog to eliminate. Always pick up after your dog. Poop bags available here.


Vaccinations/titers- It is expected that your pet is receiving appropriate veterinary care. This includes vaccinations and/or titers. The Paw Print does not keep these records for pet owners.


Animals with untreated health issues will be refused at the disgression of our groomer.


Thank you for understanding. We are always interested in your feedback.
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